All hail the Queen.
For those of you who did not know...Linda Fargo is the reigning fashion maven of Bergdorf Goodman. Every merchandising Fashion buyer wannabee should have her pinned to your vision board. If there are fashion goals in life Linda Fargo sits just about on the very top of it.
From the perspective of a street style photographer during fashion week she is a delight to shoot. Her style is chic, perfectly selected, she looks like herself. There is always a bit of an edge and unexpected twist as if to show all of us just how precise her intentions are. Most likely the calculation is nothing more than what to wear that makes her feel and look chic.
True fashion lovers take less time to worry about the shutterbugs and more time feeling comfortable in their own Fashion. Though It is always fun to be appreciated....if you are one who is in love with clothes to the degree that you would have to guess Linda Fargo must're happy enough having walked out the door already impressed with the look you have chosen.
Anything extra...cherries.